We offer free personal care shower booking slots weekdays starting at 10am.
You can schedule by clicking the button below.
When you arrive you will be greeted by one of our personal care concierges . When its your time to get in the shower a concierge will provide you with a towel, wash cloth, and shampoo. Do you need something clean to put on after your shower? We maintain a boutique of new and vintage donated clothing and we would be happy to offer you a shopping experience. Shower time slots are 15 minuets in length. Please make sure that you are respectful and adhere to the time limit. Your fellow guests thank you for your respect..... Would you like to invite a friend but they don't have an internet connection? That's ok we have multiple ways to book your shower. In addition to the booking on the website you can also talk with one of our concierges at our facility during our hours of operation.
Our address is: 1711 N Van Ness Ave Hollywood, CA 90028
Showers are located in the Hollywood Adventist Church building.
The Compassion Boutique offers a shopping experience with out the barrier of a monetary exchange. Thanks to the generous support of our donors we regularly get new stock of vintage and new clothing in to the boutique. In addition to clothing, we take in donations of bedding, outdoor equipment, and shoes. Donations are inspected and when necessary cleaned and sanitized to ensure a positive and safe guest experience before being made available in the boutique inventory.
We love our guests, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
1711 N Van Ness Ave, Hollywood, CA 90028, US
1. Your use of our facility constituents your acceptance of our terms of use/code of conduct 2. Safety and respect are paramount (You are expected to treat others like you would like to be treated)
3. Our staff and/or volunteers help to ensure a welcoming safe environment. You must follow the rules and be respectful to the staff. When give direction please respond appropriately.
4. For health and safety reasons guests must stay in the designated areas on the property and exit the neighborhood after their services.
5. Please wear appropriate clothing and shoes: Guests will be asked to remove or cover anything offensive or that indicates gang affiliation.
6. Weapons including *Fire arms are not allowed on the Hollywood Adventist Church property. If you have weapons you may check them at the office. *Compassion Connection/Hollywood Adventist Church reserves the right to hold your weapons during an incident or if we believe you intend to hurt someone on or around our premises.
7. Offensive, abusive, and discriminatory language and /or behavior will not be tolerated.
8. We do not have storage, please keep a close eye on your belongings – we are not responsible for items left unattended. (items left behind are discarded at the end of the days)
9. Be respectful to the church and community including fire station 82, by not loitering, littering, or leaving items lying around. You are expected to clean up after yourself. All refuse/ trash should be discarded in an appropriate disposal receptacle. (It is never okay to through trash/cigarette butts on the ground)
10. Drugs and alcohol use and/or sales are not allowed on or adjacent to the property at any time.
11. Smoking is only allowed in the designated smoking area against the blue wall near the butt receptacle.
12. In order to maintain good neighbor relations, please do not hang out in our general area, within the “bubble,” Guests who are seen hanging out in the bubble will be subject to a suspension of services. (The bubble includes the area between the 101 freeway and fire station 82’s property as well as Van Ness or Canyon Drive.)
13. Showers are 15 minutes in length. Please be respectful of other guests and staff by adhering to the allotted time. In the event that you exceed your time staff will knock on the door and ask you to exit the shower room. (Compassion Connection reserves the right to open locked shower room doors to perform wellness in the event of a non response to staffs knock / verbal communication or a excessive stay in the shower room.)
14. No loitering is allowed on the property at any time for any reason. (showers are available on an appointment basis only. Guest should plan not to arrive more than 15 minutes before their appointment time.) * Ask your friends to wait for you outside the bubble
15. Pets are not welcome on the floors in the building and must be on a leash or in a kennel well they are on the property (Pets over 25 pounds must wait outside the bubble and may not come on the property).
16. Headphones/ or ear buds are required to listen to music or media well on our property. Use of Bluetooth speakers or other personal amplification devices are not allowed on the property. 17. Always be respectful of other people and property.
18. Vandalism of the Hollywood Adventist Church and/ or neighboring properties will not be tolerated.
19. We actively work to maintain a high safety standard. As with any situation were water and heat are present there are certain level of risks. This risk can be increased by medical conditions or by drug and alcohol use. By using our services you agree to assume all liability and hold Compassion Connection and its partners harmless from liability arising from these assumed risks.
I understand and agree that if I do not follow the policies, consequences will follow. Which may include a termination of my services based on my non-compliance with the above stated terms of use.
Showers and Boutique open to the Public Tuesday & Thursday 9:30am - 3pm
Walk-in only showers are available through a onsite partnership with the Shower of Hope Friday 9:30am - 2pm
Copyright © 2025 Compassion Connection - All Rights Reserved.